Seabold Vintage Market
Twice a year, Bainbridge has a very special event – an old-fashioned vintage style flea market held at the historic Seabold Community Hall on the north end of the island.
Liz Le Dorze, who founded "Seabold Vintage Market" in 2009, keeps it intentionally small with just 4-6 additional local vendors in order to maintain a sense of community.
Yesterday’s event was especially remarkable because the sun came out after a week-long deluge allowing vendors to display an array of wares outside.
The next market will be held in the fall. Remember: if you want to get the choice pieces, you have to get there early! Many more photos below...
The crowds – larger than expected – seemed happy to stand in line chatting in the sun, both to get in, and to check out. There has been so much dark news recently that this gathering seemed to provide a welcome relief and distraction from the headlines.
The stylish Barn House boys joined yesterday adding an energy and warmth that was palpable throughout the day. Joe's famous salsa sold out within an hour.
Waiting in line can be a hard thing to do...
Opening crush...
Some vintage items ...
The event attracted young and old alike...and their four-footed friends as well!
People left clutching new treasures, and Meagan Barron's incredible cupcakes and confections.